Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 10 March 2024


Cassetta ApS
Krystalgade 7, 1 sal
1172 København K

Cassetta is part of
Studio Atlant ApS
CVR/VAT registration number DK38043048
Registred in Denmark 

1. Scope of Applicability

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (“GTCS”) apply to all sales of goods by us notwithstanding any conflicting, contrary or additional terms and conditions in any purchase order or other communication from you. No such conflicting, contrary or additional terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted by us unless and until we expressly confirm our acceptance in writing.

1.2 We reserve the right to change these GTCS at any time. You will not be notified about such updates. We therefore ask you to read our Terms & Conditions every time you shop at Cassetta.dk.

2. Materials and colors

2.1 Wood is a natural material, all trees are unique, and naturally every wooden frame will vary a bit. What you see is not exactly what you get. We work with talented fine woodworkers, who have many years experience in making high quality products. The aesthetics of the individual frame, actual product colours, wood grain, buds and structures may vary from what is shown on your monitor and is not up for questioning.

3. Offers, Availability, Purchase Orders and Order Confirmations

3.1 When placing an order, you will immediately receive a receipt sent by email. Please note that this receipt is not a valid order confirmation and that the order is not binding at the time. In case of errors or omissions in the order, Cassetta reserves the right to cancel an order up to the point of delivery.

3.2 Please note that we do not have an inventory. We have great focus on minimising waste of materials and energy, therefore it is important to us that the frames are made to order. Item availability is not guaranteed. If any items you purchased are sold out we will email you and the amount will be credited back to you by the same payment method of the purchase order.

3.3  No purchase order shall be binding on us unless and until confirmed by us in writing.

4. Prices and Terms of Payment

4.1  The prices for goods shall be those set forth in our order confirmation. Prices are listed without shipping. Prices are listed in Euro (EUR). We reserve the right to change prices at any time. Prices on Cassetta.dk are all consumer prices. Purchases within Denmark include 25% VAT which are included in the price seen on the website. Purchases within the EU include your local tax.

4.2 We accept VISA, VISA Electron and MasterCard. The card issuer may add service charges to the payment. Any such service charges will be added to the total price. Payment methods are Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link or PayPal.

4.3  Unless expressly stated otherwise in our order confirmation, payment for goods shall be made without offset or deduction. The prices for goods shall be those set forth in our order confirmation.

4.4 All prices are inclusive of VAT within the EU, but excludes other local taxes, VAT, customs duty, impositions and other charges, including, but not limited to, sales, use, excise, value added and similar taxes or charges imposed by any government authority.

4.5  Title to goods delivered shall remain vested in us and shall not pass to you until the goods have been paid for in full. If you fail to pay any invoice within fourteen calendar days of the due date of payment, we may retake the goods covered by the invoice. You must insure all goods delivered to their full replacement value until title to the goods has passed to you.

4.6  In the case that you are not shopping directly through our online platform but receiving an invoice that you fail to pay within seven calendar days of the due date of payment, we may suspend delivery of any purchase order or any remaining balance thereof until payment is made or terminate delivery of any purchase order or any remaining balance thereof by providing written notice of termination to you within seven calendar days of the expiration of the grace period. Further, we may charge you interest from the due date to the date of payment at the rate of 1 % per month. This shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights or remedies to which we are or may be entitled at law or in equity.

5. Terms of Delivery and Late Delivery

5.1  The risk of loss of or damage to goods shall pass to you in accordance with the agreed delivery term.

5.2  If we fail to deliver goods within seven calendar days of the agreed delivery date, you may terminate the applicable purchase order in whole or in part (as to those goods affected by the delay) by providing written notice of termination to us within seven calendar days of the expiration of the grace period. You may not claim damages for any loss suffered as a result of the delay subject to the limitation of liability below.

5.3  We reserve the right to make delivery in installments.

6. Acceptance of goods and Returns

6.1  You must inspect goods delivered upon receipt. You are deemed to have accepted goods delivered unless a written notice of rejection specifying the reasons for rejection is received by us within seven calendar days after delivery of the goods.

6.2 In general we do not accept returns, as each product is handcrafted with care after the order is placed. We accept returns only if there are mistakes from our side in terms of an obvious defect, this being a functional mistake, not aesthetic quirks that hand crafted wooden frames and limited editions are bound to have (please see §2 for information on materials and colors).

6.3 You can let us know about any problems or mistakes in delivery within 14 days from when the goods are received, by contacting us at info@cassetta.dk. You are responsible for the return shipment, it's care and costs. Kindly ensure your return shipment is carefully packaged to guarantee its safe return. We will not be responsible for any damage that occurs during return shipping, and we will not exchange items that are returned in what we deem to be damaged or unsaleable condition. 

6.4 Returns from outside the EU: All paperwork as well as the outside of the return package must be clearly marked as “returned goods - no commercial value” to ensure the order is returned to us swiftly with no extra charges. Once we received the returned goods we will refund you by the same payment method of the purchase order.

7. Warranty

7.1  We warrant that upon delivery and for a period of twenty-four months from the date of delivery goods purchased hereunder will conform in all material respects to the applicable manufacturer’s specifications for such goods and will be free from material defects in workmanship, material and design under normal use. The warranty does not cover damage resulting from misuse, negligent handling, lack of reasonable maintenance and care, accident or abuse by anyone other than us.

7.2  With respect to goods which do not conform to the warranty our liability is limited, at our election, to (i) refund of the purchase price for such goods less a reasonable amount for usage, (ii) repair of such goods, or (iii) replacement of such goods; provided, however, that such goods must be returned to us, along with acceptable evidence of purchase, within fourteen calendar days after you discovered the lack of conformity or ought to have discovered it.

7.3  We make no other warranty, express or implied, with respect to goods delivered hereunder, and the warranty constitutes our sole obligation in respect of any lack of conformity of goods delivered hereunder. In particular, we make no warranty with respect to the merchantability of goods delivered or their suitability or fitness for any particular purpose.

8. Intellectual Property Rights Infringement

8.1  If any goods delivered hereunder are held to infringe a third party’s patent, utility model, design, trademark or other intellectual property right and you are enjoined from using same, we will, at our option and expense, (i) procure for you the right to continue using the goods; (b) replace the goods with non-infringing substitutes provided that such substitutes do not entail a material diminution in performance or function; (c) modify the goods to make them non-infringing; or (d) refund the purchase price of the goods less a reasonable amount for usage. The foregoing states our sole liability for intellectual property rights infringement.

9. Limitation of Liability

9.1  Neither of us will be entitled to, and neither of us shall be liable for, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any nature, including, but not limited to, business interruption costs, loss of profit, removal and/or reinstallation costs, reprocurement costs, loss of data, injury to reputation or loss of customers. Your recovery from us for any claim shall not exceed the purchase price for the goods giving rise to such claim irrespective of the nature of the claim, whether in contract, tort, warranty or otherwise.

9.2  We shall not be liable for any claims based on our compliance with your designs, specifications or instructions or repair, modification or alteration of any goods by parties other than us or use in combination with other goods.

10. Processing of personal data

10.1  Cassetta processes personal data with due observance of the General Data Protection Regulation and law. Information on the customer’s address, e-mail, telephone number, etc. can solely be used in connection with the customer's orders and communication.

10.2  Cassetta complies with the rights of the data subject (including right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, objection, data portability, complaint and right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling).

10.3  Cassetta will store the data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed. Customer data will be stored for a maximum of 5 years in order to comply with requirements around reporting and accounting but also in order to provide customers with copies of previously completed orders. Cassetta can neither disclose, sell nor otherwise transfer information to third parties, unless the customer has agreed to the same.

10.4  If the customer wants information on which data is being processed, having data erased or corrected, the customer should contact us at info@cassetta.dk.

11. Force Majeure

11.1 Either party shall be excused from any delay or failure in performance if caused by reason of any occurrence or contingency beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of war, fire, insurrection, epidemics, pandemics, lock-downs, strikes, lock-outs or other serious labor disputes, riots, earthquakes, floods, explosions or other acts of nature. The obligations and rights of the party so excused shall be extended on a day-to-day basis for the time period equal to the period of such excusable interruption. When such events have abated, the parties’ respective obligations shall resume. In the event the interruption of the excused party’s obligations continues for a period in excess of thirty calendar days, either party shall have the right to terminate the applicable contract(s) of sale, without liability, upon thirty calendar days’ prior written notice to the other party.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 The United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to these GTCS or to any contracts of sale entered into between us. 

12.2 No waiver of any provision of these GTCS shall constitute a waiver of any other provision(s) or of the same provision on another occasion. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of these GTCS shall not constitute a waiver of such provision or any other provision(s) of these GTCS.

12.3 Should any provision of these GTCS be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision may be modified by such court in compliance with the law giving effect to the intent of the parties and enforced as modified. All other terms and conditions of these GTCS shall remain in full force and effect and shall be construed in accordance with the modified provision.

12.4 These GTCS and all contracts of sale entered into between us shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Denmark without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provisions. Any suits, actions or proceedings that may be instituted by either of us against the other shall be instituted exclusively before the competent courts of Denmark, however, without prejudice to our right to bring suits, actions or proceedings in any other court which would have jurisdiction if this provision had not been incorporated into these GTCS.